frans johansson Keynotes
The keynotes by Frans Johansson describe how to create groundbreaking innovations through a variety...

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Frans Johansson's Interconnected Ideas Keynote Promotes New Approaches
Andrew Robertson — June 17, 2012 — Keynote Trends
References: themedicigroup & youtube
Frans Johansson shares his insights on what it takes to create groundbreaking innovations in this interconnected ideas keynote. The CEO of the Medici Group is quick to address the fact that the need for groundbreaking innovations has never been greater. Throughout his studies and travels Johansson has had the opportunity to engage with many different industries and cultures. It is the ability to connect the ideas from those various areas of knowledge and experience that leads to groundbreaking ideas.
New ideas are combinations of already existing ideas, but not all idea combinations are created equal. The willingness to combine more ideas from a wide range of sources increasing the chance of creating something that will have a large positive impact. The world is already connected, who decides what connections are made is determined by those who keep trying new ideas.
New ideas are combinations of already existing ideas, but not all idea combinations are created equal. The willingness to combine more ideas from a wide range of sources increasing the chance of creating something that will have a large positive impact. The world is already connected, who decides what connections are made is determined by those who keep trying new ideas.